Aridian Waterless Urinal with Falcon Velocity

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Our Price (Ex VAT)


Delivery Time Discontinued
Ref S6321W
Additional cartridge
Bactericidal Cleaner

This Waterless Urinal has now been discontinued by the manufacturer Armitage Shanks / Ideal Standard.
We can offer the Falcon LAVA or Falcon Arica urinal as an alternative and it uses the same Falcon Velocity waterless cartridge.
See alternative Falcon Velocity waterless urinals below in related products.

The Aridian Waterless Urinal from Armitage Shanks is a wall mounted urinal in vitreous china for exposed or concealed plumbing that requires no Cistern or Flush Pipes. This is the most popular waterless urinal bowl for commercial and public sector sites. 

How it works
Urine, which is 96% water, flows down the surface of the urinal and into the unique Falcon cartridge. The cartridge is filled with a special liquid called Allseal, which is not only perfumed, but prevents foul air from rising up from the drain and into the washroom. It does this by floating on the surface inside the cartridge and trapping any particles at the cartridge base. Note that the effectivness of the Allseal sealant can be impaired by sluicing or by incompatible cleaning chemicals, if proper care is not take,  However, there are no mechanical components to go wrong. Regular cleaning consists of spraying on cleaner and wiping it off. Replacing cartridges, a simple job,  has to be carried out every three to four months under average use conditions, but can last from 2 to 12 months, dependent on usage. Full cleaning and maintenance instructions are included with all Aridian bowls.

- 1 wall urinal
- 1 Falcon cartridge
- wall hangers

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