WC Flush Controls

For most sites, WCs are the second greatest consumer of water after the urinals. WC flush controls are able to restrict the quantity of water used for each flush whilst offering the hygiene, convenience and style benefits of infra-red sensor operation. The Cistermiser models have the advantage of simplicity and a battery powered option whilst those from Dart Valley Systems are exceptionally reliable systems with an option that allows for an automatic flush to occur, should the users fail to do their duty.
If you would like some advice, please call 0345 202 4535 or email support@gentworks.co.uk .

Cistermiser Easyflush "No touch" WC cistern valve.

Cistermiser Easyflush "No touch" WC cistern valve.


The  flush is activated by the user bringing their hand close to an infrared sensor. The dual flush mode enables the user to select either a part or full flush by the length of time their hand is in front of the sensor. For part flush the hand, is waved in front of the sensor for up to 1 second and for full flush over 1 second.

Easyflush valve provides electronic flushing and filling of the WC. They are powered powered by 4 x 1.5V AA (LR6) batteries or a 5V DC mains adaptor which can be installed behind service panels. The battery option allows the Easyflush to be installed inside exposed cisterns. All Easyflush models require a minimum water pressure 0.5 BAR to operate. 

Pack Includes:
- Hands free sensor operated 1.5" outlet WC cistern flush valve.
- Sensor with Dual Flush mode for variable flush volumes (better water economy).
- Mains or battery power options in same pack.
- Side/Front Sensor adapter for use with side or front holed cisterns.


 Easyflush Installation Guide & Technical Information

 Easyflush Brochure



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DVS - No-touch WC Flushvalve -  Mains Power

DVS - No-touch WC Flushvalve - Mains Power


The DVS No-Touch WC Flushing System is an electronically operated drop valve which delivers a measured volume of water from the cistern to the WC bowl.  The Flushvalve is activated when the user’s hand comes within 50mm of the sensor and a 35 second delay mechanism prevents abuse between flushes by the user. An electromagnetic solenoid coil is central to the operation of the Flushvalve.

The timer can be adjusted to between 1 and 6 seconds (1 second = 1 litre water approx.) The unit is designed to fit most types of cistern. Most WC cisterns will require the standard 1.5" base but newer water saving 'ECO' cisterns (providing 4L and 2.5L flushes) and some very old cisterns may require the 2" base. Please check before ordering. The 2" base option can be selected from the option lists below.

Pack includes:

- flushvalve
- control box
- wave-on sensor with 38mm bezel

Options for 'Cistern Kit', 'Base Size' and 'Manual Override'. See options tab for further details.

 No-Touch WC Flushvalve V2 manual  (1450k)


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