Cistermiser - IRC Sensor with Ceiling Kit

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Ref 402EIRC

Click here to view ALL MAKES of PIR sensor urinal flush controllers

The IRC has the advantage of being packaged for installation onto a wall, recessed into a false ceiling or directly onto the water supply pipe. The included solenoid valve is plumbed into the water supply to the urinal cistern. The connection to the control sensor box can be made by mounting the box directly onto the solenoid valve or remote from the valve, using the 'floating socket'.

- reduced water consumption by up to 80%
- reliable and low maintenance
- passive infra-red sensor, occupancy detection
- single valve output
- adjustable flow rate
- janitorial flush (if sensor not triggered for 12 hours)
- WRAS approved Product 

The unit is supplied with mains and battery power options, so no additional external transformer is required. 
How it works:
When movement is detected a pulse is sent to open the solenoid valve and water flows to the cistern. At the same time, the PIR sensor is switched off. The initial open period is 25 mins after which time PIR power is restored. Any occupancy in the next 5 minutes will cause the cycle to repeat (30min total cycle). If no occupancy, then the solenoid stays closed till the next occupancy is detected. Flow rate to the cistern is adjusted via the flow regulator in the valve. Generally, this should be set so that the cistern fills and flushes once in every 30 minute cycle. If there is no occupancy in 12 hours, the solenoid will automatically open for 30 minutes to provide a hygiene flush to the urinals and pipework. 

Cistermiser IRC Installation



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